FND 459 Z Complete Freewheel One Direction Bearing Clutch
  • FND 459 Z Complete Freewheel One Direction Bearing Clutch

FND 459 Z Complete Freewheel One Direction Bearing Clutch

Highlight: One Direction Bearing Auto Clutch, FND 459 Z One Direction Bearing, Complete Freewheel Auto Clutch



FND 459 Z Complete Freewheel One Direction Bearing Clutch

FND Type Freewheel One Way Clutch
GCR 15 Bearing Steel
One Way Bearings
Thichness (mm):
Torque (Nm):
Weight (Kg):
Bore Size(mm):
12 Months



Width:34 Mm

Operating Temperature:Max. 100° C

Drawing Legend
D=Inner Diameter D=Outer Diameter W = Width T = Torque N = Rotation Speed
C = Load Capacity B = Keyway Width T = Keyway Depth

Designation d D W Tnom nmax Cdyn. Cstat. Weight b t Item no.
[mm] [mm] [mm] [Nm] [rpm] [N] [N] [kg] [mm] [mm]  
FND 437 M 15 41 34 176 1,700 8,962 8,661 0.24 5 2.3 300737
FND 437 Z 15 41 34 161 1,700 8,962 8,661 0.24 5 2.3 300738
FND 442 M 20 46 34 223 1,500 10,247 10,708 0.28 6 2.8 300743
FND 442 Z 20 46 34 208 1,500 10,247 10,708 0.28 6 2.8 300744
FND 453 M 25 58 34 343 1,200 11,417 13,577 0.46 8 3.3 300751
FND 453 Z 25 58 34 314 1,200 11,417 13,577 0.46 8 3.3 300752
FND 459 M 30 64 34 411 1,100 12,691 16,320 0.55 8 3.3 300758
FND 459 Z 30 64 34 381 1,100 12,691 16,320 0.55 8 3.3 300760
FND 463 M 35 68 34 462 1,100 13,070 17,063 0.6 10 3.3 306528
FND 463 Z 35 68 34 428 1,100 13,070 17,063 0.6 10 3.3 306529
FND 470 M 40 75 34 550 1,000 14,050 19,840 0.69 12 3.3 300765
FND 470 Z 40 75 34 509 1,000 14,050 19,840 0.69 12 3.3 300766
FND 473 M 45 78 34 588 1,000 14,128 19,896 0.73 14 3.8 306532
FND 473 Z 45 78 34 543 1,000 14,128 19,896 0.73 14 3.8 306533

Operative Lifetime Oil Lubrication


Installation Tolerances
Shaft Js6 (K5); Hub H6


Mating Parts
Hardening And Grinding Of The Mating Parts Is Not Necessary. Thoroughly Clean (Grease Free) The Mating Parts In The Vicinity Of The Freewheel Clutch As Well As The Freewheel Clutch's Rings Before Making The Press Fit.


The Freewheel Clutch Includes Ball And Roller Bearings.Additional External Bearing Support Is Not Necessary.


Press Fit Pressure
Press Fit Pressure Must Not Be Applied To The Balls.


Clamping Direction
The Arrow On The Inner Ring Designates The Inner Ring's Clamping Direction.



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